Tennessee U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles Proposes Amendment to Prevent D.C. Statehood

Andy Ogles

U.S. Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN-05) reportedly proposed an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2025 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act on Tuesday that would squash efforts to grant Washington, D.C., statehood.

Ogles’ proposal, according to a report by The Hill, “called for the prohibition of funds for the New Columbia Statehood Commission — which coordinates the district’s efforts to become the 51st state — and to prohibit funds being used to conduct an election for a senator for the District of Columbia.”

The Council of the District of Columbia created the New Columbia Statehood Commission in 2014 to advocate for and coordinate the district’s initiatives to become the nation’s 51st state.

The commission operates as an independent agency within the D.C. government.

Oye Owolewa, the U.S. Shadow Representative District of Columbia, was quick to denounce Ogles’ effort to defund the commission, accusing the Tennessee congressman of attempting to “silence” D.C. in its “pursuit of equality and fairness.”

“Mr. Ogles has once again put politics over people by trying to defund DC’s Statehood Commission,” Owolewa said in a statement.

Owolewa went on to tout his work pushing for D.C. statehood, arguing that Ogles’ proposal to defund the commission signifies increased attention to such statehood efforts.

“For the past decade, DC Senators and Representatives have reached across both aisles, amplifying our cause for DC Statehood and strengthening our American Democracy. Since 2021, as DC’s Representative, I have gone to different states, both Republican and Democratic led, to promote DC Statehood. Along with other statehood champions, we have introduced and/or passed DC Statehood resolutions across this country. I have appeared on worldwide platforms to advance our cause,” Owolewa said.

“Mr. Ogles[‘] proposed amendment proves that forces against Democracy are noticing our efforts. As DC’s Representative, I vow to fight back against these threats, scale up the advocacy and present our noble cause to all of America. We in DC deserve our voices heard, our vote counted, and our rights protected. Our only path forward is DC Statehood,” Owolewa added.

A 2019 Gallup poll showed that a majority of Americans (64 percent) opposed making D.C. a separate state, compared to just 29 percent who supported the idea.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Andy Ogles” by Andy Ogles




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5 Thoughts to “Tennessee U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles Proposes Amendment to Prevent D.C. Statehood”

  1. Rocky

    Might be good.
    Then all the white-collar criminals can be cuffed.

  2. Liquidators

    Allowing the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to become states would be the creation of two totally financially supported welfare states.

  3. John Bumpus

    Well, for one thing, Mr. Cannoneertwo, it will keep the wannabe communist Democrats from gaining two more U. S. Senators and a full-fledged voting member in the U. S. House of Representatives who would then vote to deprive every citizen in our country of their God given constitutional rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If I was in Congress, I myself would vote to return most of the present area that is now the District of Columbia to the State of Maryland from whence it came. The residents of D. C. could then be represented in Congress by the elected representatives from the State of Maryland which would take away one of the endless talking points of people like you who try every trick in the book to gain political advantage to ‘lord it’ over the rest of us.

  4. Joe Blow

    Cannoneertwo – First, it would go counter to the very reason that D.C. was created. Supposedly a neutral place for the government to be housed. Second, it would guarantee more electoral votes for the Democrats. Third, people have a choice where they live. They can move to Virginia or Maryland if that want to be the resident of a state or Commonwealth.

  5. Cannoneertwo

    Here we go, case in point. What does this accomplish for the people of the 5th District??
